Maldon District: 37 new homes in Burnham, 9 new homes in Tillingham, Mill Beach plans refused, and 9 more planning applications near you
See below for this week's key planning applications in the Maldon District, received or decided on by the Council.
Applications received
1. Land bounded by Maldon Road and Creeksea Lane, Burnham-On-Crouch
Erection of 37 dwellings (including affordable housing) together with public open space, landscaping and associated works and infrastructure, including vehicular accesses, pedestrian links and drainage infrastructure.
2. Land south of 97 South Street, Tillingham
Residential development for nine dwellings, the formation of new vehicular and pedestrian access, associated open space, parking and landscaping.
3. Barn at South House Farm, Mundon Road, Maldon
Change of use to the existing hay barn from agricultural use to storage (B8) use and proposed refurbishment with re-roofing and new cladded walls to be erected.
4. 33 Coleridge Road, Maldon CM9 6DH
An application for a single-storey front extension.
Applications approved
1. Forrester Park Golf and Tennis Club, Beckingham Road, Great Totham, Maldon CM9 8EA
Installation of ten lighting columns for the floodlighting of four tennis courts.
2. 44-48 High Street, Maldon CM9 5PN
Minor alterations to the existing building to install 11 new skylights to the flat first-floor roof, the replacement of windows and doors to the second-floor dormers, the installation of four low-level flat roof vents to the second-floor roof and enlarging two first-floor windows to the western side elevation facing Friars Gate.
3. Bairstow Eves, 20 High Street, Maldon CM9 5PJ
Refurbishment and extension of a historic High Street building to create work unit and a one-bedroom flat to ground floor and two one-bedroom flats to first floor.
4. Unit 3, The Old Ironworks, Fullbridge, Maldon CM9 4LE
Split of Ground Floor Unit 3 to create two commercial units. Relates to approved application 22/01170/LBC.
5. 21 Alexandra Road, Burnham-On-Crouch CM0 8BW
Claim for lawful development certificate for a proposed flat roof dormer to the rear roof slope and two rooflights to front roof slope.
Applications refused
1. New site at former Mill Beach, Goldhanger Road, Heybridge
Variation of conditions 2 (approved drawings), 6 (approved layout), 7 (cladding materials) and 18 (no structure, tents etc) of planning permission 20/01216/FUL (Removal of condition 5 and variation of conditions 2 and 6 on approved planning application 19/01164/FUL (Demolition of existing and erection of a replacement public house (class A4), with a first-floor apartment, and change of use of land for the siting of 12 holiday lodge caravans.)) to allow revised site layout and external materials along with addition of garages, solar panels, green roofs, electric vehicle charging points, hot tubs and roof terraces
Reasons for refusal:
- The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied that the 12no. holiday lodges would fall within the legal definition of 'caravans' and, therefore, this amended scheme does not benefit from the provisions of Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) as this element of the proposal would not be a change of use of land contrary to the description of the approved development (reference 20/01216/FUL).
- The development proposed would be unacceptable in principle as it has not been demonstrated that there is an identified need for the type of development proposed, contrary to Policies S1, S7, S8 and E5 of the Maldon District Approved Local Development Plan and the NPPF.
- The proposed development, as a result of the size, design and layout of the holiday lodges proposed, would cause harm to the character and appearance of site and the surrounding coastal, rural area, contrary to Policies S8, D1 and E5 of the Maldon District Approved Local Development Plan and the NPPF.
2. Chestnuts, 67 Latchingdon Road, Cold Norton CM3 6HT
Raise existing ridge height. Removal of existing pitched roof dormer windows and replace with flat roof dormer windows. Enclosure of a section of the existing roof terrace to provide additional habitable space, including the insertion of photovoltaic panels. Replace the existing conservatory with single storey side extension. Single storey front/side extension. Alterations to fenestration of front elevation.
Reason for refusal:
- Due to the size, height, bulk and design of the roof alterations proposed and the visually prominent location of the site, the development proposed would not be subservient or sympathetic additions to the existing dwelling and so would harm the character and appearance of the host dwelling and the surrounding area. Therefore, the development would be unacceptable and contrary to policies D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan and the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.
3. 19 North Road, Tollesbury CM9 8RQ
Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and the erection of a terrace of three houses and three detached bungalows.
Reasons for refusal:
- The proposal has been found to introduce an inappropriate and unsympathetic form of backland development that will fail to enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. The appropriate measures to mitigate against any potential harm caused to the Blackwater Estuary Ramsar and SPA have also not been mitigated against. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1, S8, D1, D3, N2 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021). The principle of development is therefore unacceptable.
- No. 19 North Road makes a positive contribution to the character of the Conservation Area and is regarded as a non-designated heritage asset. Its loss would result in harm to the Conservation Area, and the case presented for demolishing the building is weak. The proposal would neither preserve nor enhance the site and the Conservation Area. The proposal would cause less than substantial harm to the significance of the heritage asset, and the degree of harm would be moderate and there are no perceived public benefits. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1, D1 and D3 of Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- The proposal would introduce an incongruous form of development that has not considered the context within which it will sit and is out of keeping with the pattern of development and built form in the area. The introduction of this quantum of development, with its associated access, turning head and hardstanding, will urbanise the site, causing harm to the character and appearance of the (Conservation) Area. The proposal has been found to be contrary to Policies S1, S8, D1, D3 and H4 of the LDP (2017), the Maldon District Design Guide (2017), and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and is unacceptable in this regard.
- By virtue of the height of the proposed terrace, the development would appear as overbearing at the street scene and when viewed from no.21 North Road. The introduction of windows at the side elevation of the proposed Plot 5 would also cause direct overlooking to the living room and master bedroom of Plot 6. The residential amenity to the neighbour and to the future occupants of the site would, therefore, be impacted. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1, D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), the Maldon District Design Guide (2017), and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- The applicant has failed to demonstrate that an appropriate visibility splay in accordance with the current standards could be achieved at the vehicle access. The proposal would lead to additional vehicle movements and would therefore lead to the intensification of a substandard access onto North Road resulting in an unacceptable degree of hazard to all road users to the detriment of highway safety. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy DM1 and DM4 contained within the County Highway Authority's Development Management Policies, adopted as County Council Supplementary Guidance in February 2011, Policy T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- The proposal would lead to the creation of a substandard shared access onto North Road where vehicles entering and existing the proposed access would be in direct conflict with each other and would result in an unacceptable degree of hazard to all road users to the detriment of highway safety. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy DM1 and DM4 contained within the County Highway Authority's Development Management Policies, adopted as County Council Supplementary Guidance in February 2011, Policy T2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- Insufficient information has been submitted to allow the Lead Local Flood Authority to assess the proposal with regard to the proposed surface water drainage strategy for the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies S1 and D5 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- The proposal seeks to remove all trees at the site to provide for the quantum of development required. This will harm the visual amenity of the site, and the replacements proposed will not sufficiently mitigate this harm. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies D1 and S1 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017), and the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
- In the absence of a completed legal agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the necessary financial contribution towards the Essex Coast Recreational Disturbance Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy has not been secured. As a result, the development would have an adverse impact on the European designated nature conservation sites, contrary to Policies S1, D1, N1 and N2 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan (2017) and the policies and guidance within the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
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